Aliai Eusebi

Machine Learning Engineer

Aliai is currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer at Opsmorph parttime while pursuing a CDT programme in Cybersecurity at University College London (UCL). At Opsmorph, Aliai develops cloud-based data pipelines and machine learning and natural language processing solutions. In a previous role, Aliai built machine learning solutions for clients in the security domain including the military and the Police, to automate recognition of text-based content relating to sexual exploitation, drugs, and gang violence, with a key focus on transparency and explainability. Aliai also developed data-driven analytical tools for identification, assessment, and management of risk in the arena of child exploitation to provide vulnerability and exploitation insights to policing and child safeguarding professionals.

Aliai is pursuing a CDT programme in Cybersecurity at University College London (UCL) and has a BSc in Security and Crime Science from UCL. Alia has completed study programmes in International Security and Intelligence at Cambridge University (UK), and Machine Learning and Data Science at Fudan University (Shanghai, China).

Contact Opsmorph

Whether you're a startup looking to accelerate development of your cloud platform, a research project looking to introduce machine learning, or an organisation of any size looking to make better use of your data, contact Opsmorph for a free consultation to see how we can help.
